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Visit Tin Can Bay, a project of the Tin Can Bay Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Inc to provide travelers with information about the local attractions., services and activities. 

The Chamber extends a warm welcome to all visitors but asks that while visiting the natural assets of the area, please only take photographs and leave only footsteps! 

The Making of a Township

The first attempt to formalize the land ownership in the Tin Can Bay area was made in 1918 with the auction of 10 allotments in the 'Town of Toolara' which is locally known today as Crab Creek.

However, records show that none of the allotments were sold that year. 



Tin can Bay's first industry was processing oil for medicinal purposes from the dugongs at Kauri Creek in the mid 1800's. another early industry was timber, William Pettigrew and William Sim dominated the trade in the Cooloola area. Pettigrew's men were using bullock teams to drag Kauri pine logs from Woolan (the area around Lake Poona) to the mouth of Seary's Creek, tying them into large rafts and towing them through Tin Can Bay inlet.

Tin Can Bay Name Origin

The Township of Wallu was formally named Tin Can Bay in 1937

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